bloodline: origins (I)
on bloodlines, origins, displacement, belonging, transmuting ancestral pain, healing, and freedom
if you are the eldest daughter born from generations of mothers who had complicated relationships with their own mothers and motherhood, this is for you.Â
if you are the eldest of your generation in your family, and the weight of that responsibility has left calcified deposits in your bones as you’ve made your own way in this world, breaking the unyielding ground for those born after you, this is for you.
if you are the healer tasked with holding space for and then transmuting the pain of your ancestors in your family so they can know the liberation that eluded them in their corporeal forms, beloved, this is for you.
if you are the cycle breaker whose mission is to disrupt patterns of dysfunction, toxicity, and abuse in your family, this is for you.Â
if you are one who was separated and kept isolated from your people early in life and are currently climbing out of the sinkhole such displacement opened up in your life, if having those bonds and attachments severed before your identity could root into an informed understanding of whose you are has set you off on a never-ending quest for belonging, this is for you.
if you seek to know whose blood from the past flows hot through your veins as you continue to stretch into the future, this is for you.Â
if you have been given the opportunity to transform the genetic expression of your bloodline through the life you live and the work you put your heart, hands, and mind to, this is for you.
Ooooooh. I feel this in my bones. Such exquisite, painful alchemy.
I don’t have the words to express the way that this resonated with me. Down to my bones, which are still rattling at the way that your words and your art capture a truth that is mine. Thank you.